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How to wear your Native shoes?

We have previously shown you the latest footwear from the Canadian Wonder brand, which is a must-have for the winter. We have now prepared for you a few sets of how you can wear these boots in a really stylish and unique way.
We’ve made it to you with the latest colors of the season that are sure to throw up the gray everyday. Exciting pastel shades and vibrant classics line up to captivate hearts.

Let’s start with the really girly pieces that flaunt the most beautiful shades of spring. Enchanting powder pink and pleasant lavender purple will ensure your fresh look even in winter. Choose similarly vibrant and cheerful colors, but they can be combined flawlessly with even a simple black set or jeans. 

In addition to more girly shades, more classic colors like yellow or red also show up. You may have already encountered the yellow hue last season, but this year there was also a completely new creation in the collection.
The bright red is a real hit color, an indefatigable shade of the catwalks for years. If this passionate shade catches you the most, hit it off as soon as possible!
If the more minimalist shades bring fever, choose the refined gray-black color combination or the discreet blue shades.
Native boots cost HUF 34,990 uniformly, but you can now get them with a 30% discount within the framework of our Winter Wonder Sale promotion!

Visit our Szputnyik stores or webshop for more super boots!