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Keep your head up: New hats in the stores!

A hőség tartósnak bizonyult az elmúlt időszakban, ezért mindenképp komoly figyelmet kell szentelned a megfelelő fejfedő kiválasztására is. Van egy jó hírünk: a boltban számtalan különleges mintájú baseball sapkával, halászsapkával, és nélkülözhetetlen szalmakalapokkal készültünk a védelmetekre, hogy még a legmelegebb nyári napon is igazán stílusos maradhass.  Küzdj a meleg ellen legtrendibb darabjainkba, akár Budapest szívében, akár a Sziget fesztiválon!

As it seems the weather is not gonna change so you have to pay attention to get the right head-gear. We have a good news: in our stores you can choose from many patterns and two different styles: baseball and fishing hat. You can also find straw hats that never go out of fashion. Stay stylish even on the warmest day!

Fight against the heat in our most stylish pieces in the heart of Budapest or even on Sziget festival!

You can also have the same patterns on baseball and on fishing hats too that are the eternal trends of 2018. They can be found in about 30 version as fruit, stoner dinos, teeth, beers, sharks, pizza and more patterns.

Mac DeMarco brought the fishing hat back into life that can be your best friend not only at the shore, but in the heart of the city too. Be the real trendsetter!

One of the general rules is that a baseball cap fits to everyone no matter how long or type hair you have. Get your own extra and unique cap, match it with other patterns and color, or wear it with monochrome stuffes and the total impact is going to be gorgeous!

In our stores you can get matchy pants to the hats to maximize the coolness!

The hats cost uniformly 6.990 Ft.

Sapkáinkat egyégesen 6.990 Ft-ért szerezheted be.

Visit our Szputnyik stores for more pieces or check our webshop!